Thank You For Abandoning Your Kittens- An Open Letter

This was before they had a bath. Enzo was covered in dried mud.
5 weeks ago two kittens were born. Two small, helpless, tiny kittens. I don't know how you found these kittens. Where they born under your porch? Did a mama kitty give birth in a soft bed in your home? Do you still have the mama cat? I don't know where these kittens were born but I know where they were found. At the side of the road. Some point during the last week you decided that instead of taking care of these tiny babies that you were going to dump them. Luckily for these kittens my husband happened to see them when driving by.

Enzo resting. I've never seen a kitten that was this sick.
One is black with white feet and the other is white and grey. The little black one was covered in dried mud and the grey one had goopy eyes. Within days of being in our care it became clear that these kittens were not healthy. Goopy eyes had turned into a full blown upper respiratory infection(URI). Our little grey kitten(who we named Enzo) was very sick. I had never seen a kitten so sick. I spent an entire day watching him. Little Enzo sat on the bed with me and watched Shark Tank. His teeth were so little, his nose was so stuffed up the he had to let his mouth hang open to breath and his goopy eye was shut so tightly that it wouldn't open. Our little black kitten(who we named Cass) was in pretty good health. He had the start of an infection but I was nothing like what Enzo had. What concerned us about little Cass was a fleshy mass on his under belly. It wasn't red and it didn't seem to hurt him. Did you dump these kitten because they weren't healthy and clearly had medical problems?
Cass decided to lay next to his brother. He was very worried

Our plan at first was to take the kittens into the vet the following week. Enzo was not going to make it that long without antibiotics. I called the vet and tried very hard to break down into ugly crying on the phone. That night we picked up medicine for Enzo and they were able to see the kittens the next afternoon. With just one dose of medicine, Enzo was walking around and exploring the house. The ride to the vet was very stressful. The kittens didn't cry or get sick in the car rather they had very sad looks on their face, because of you. The last time these kittens were really in a car, you abandoned them. Enzo looked down sadly and curled up in a ball. Cass stared at me through the cage door. A strange coldness seemed to come from his eyes. He thought that we were going to be like you. He too curled up in a ball and went to sleep.
Both kittens holding each other

We explained what you did to the vet. Both kittens were wormed, given a shot of antibiotics and flea medicine. He confirmed that both kittens had URIs. The lump on Cass's underbelly is an umbilical cord hernia. He is too young to have treatment for it but he will need surgery to fix it in the future. Due to how sick they are both kittens weren't able to get any vaccines and are too young to be tested for FIV.  We brought the kittens back home and they seemed surprised to be back here. Both of them sat near each other on the kitchen floor and just stared up at me. As if they were saying "You didn't leave us." Both kittens fell asleep on the couch. Enzo feel asleep on my husband's arm and Cass fell asleep next to him.
Cass loves Squish. Squish is unsure of the kittens but he loves all cats

Other than their health problems what do we know about these cats? Enzo screamed for his mother for two days. He's very playful and likes to chase his own tail. Enzo is a very cuddley kitten. I woke up this morning with him asleep on my hair. He loves human contact. Hands and arms make great pillows to him. Cass is more of a loner. He likes to explore the house and is very interested in our two adult cats. Cass likes to sleep next you but not always on top of you. If Enzo is getting cuddles, Cass will sit down and stare at you until he gets cuddles as well. Cass is very small, not even weighing a pound. Enzo is a bit bigger weighing just over a pound. Both of them are very sweet cats.
Both kittens resting after a long and stressful trip to the vet.

Why then? Why did you abandoned them? Did you look at the dirt road you dumped them on? It makes a very sharp turn that goes up a hill. Because of this there is a deep rut on the side of the road. Cass, an almost all black cat, was found in that rut. Had anyone pulled into that road they would not have saw him until it was too late. Enzo? Enzo was so scared that my husband found him in a tree. A 5 week old kitten in a tree. With all the mud we found in Cass's fur we can't help but wonder if you threw these kittens out of a moving car. I know people that won't through their cigarette butts out of a car because they worry about it will effect the environment, let alone a kitten, let alone two kittens. Was it because they were getting sick? The eye drops and antibiotic was less than $50. Maybe you couldn't afford it. Maybe by chance you are really a good person who did not have the means to keep them healthy. Our county has an ASPCA. You could have surrendered the kittens. But you aren't a good person, lets not pretend here. You didn't care about those kittens. You saw those kittens and thought "Oh fuck kittens. No fucking way am I dealing with this." Shockingly enough, I want to thank you. Thank you for abandoning these kittens. Why? Because someone as selfish as you shouldn't have animals. Someone like you doesn't deserve to have the privilege of seeing this sweet babies grow up. The love of an animal is something that you don't deserve. I hope you don't have other animals. I can't think of the life you would have given these kittens. Now they are our kittens. Right now Enzo is asleep(probably in my husband's hair) and Cass is asleep in his bed. Tomorrow they get medicine, be loved and probably try to nurse the Chihuahua again(they love him). Under your care? Gods only know. Thank you for abandoning these kittens because you are a heartless fucker who does not deserve them.

 Not all abandoned animals are as lucky as Enzo and Cass. The best way to prevent unwanted kittens and puppies is to have your pet fixed. Some areas even have low cost clinics. If you do make the choice to surrender an animal please go to a no kill shelter so that they have a fair chance at life. Do your research before getting a new pet. Make sure you are able to give them their needs.This includes food, water, exercise, shelter, medical care and of course lots of love.  The love an animal is unlike anything else. Treat them with love and kindness and you will have a life long friend.
