My C-section was the hardest thing I've ever done, NOT the laziest |
Dear Kate Hudson,
I could word this very nicely. I could use facts and explain to you how and why you're wrong, But it would be much more satisfying to just come right out and say it. You're a fucking moron. Above is a photo of why you're a moron. I have to ask, what was your c-section like? For your c-section to be "the laziest thing you've ever done" it must have been very different from a normal c-section. Do big Hollywood stars have different c-sections than the rest of us? Do the Gods descend from heaven and perform your surgery in such a way that you have no pain and no recovery time? Because that's the only way I could see a c-section being "lazy".Funny enough, I just had a c-section a little less than three weeks ago. It was not something that we decided to do because I was lazy. We made the choice due to the effect that labor was having on me mentally. I had a terrible team of doctors and within 24 hours of being induced I was reduced to sobs. I couldn't hold my phone because my Tourettes had caused my right hand to lock up and shake. My c-section was not normal. This was due to my epidural moving in the middle of it. Most women don't feel their c-section. I got to feel part of mine. Our son, Tyrian Alister was born on August 25 at 11:35a.m. He was crying before he was even out of my body. The next three(was it four?) days were awful. For the first two days, I couldn't breathe when I stood up. Walking would have been impossible without my husband to help me. Showering was not an option. I went a week without a shower and lost so much blood that I had to have two blood transfusions. After I got home, walking was still painful and sitting up was worse but I could finally bend enough to change my son's diaper. I was in bad enough shape that my Mum begged us to stay at her house so she could take of me. Something I'm very glad I did. I'm finally to the point that I don't have a lot of pain. I'm not fully recovered but I'm in better shape. Nothing about my c-section was lazy.
Lets talk about some one else c-sections: my Mum's. Her first c-section was with me. I was born at 36 weeks. My Mum was 19 at the time and got the joy of getting an ambulance ride and a emergency c-section. Her next two c-sections were planned. Because of these c-sections the scar tissue in her body went crazy. Some of her organs got fused together, making a normal labor very, very dangerous. This partly led to her having a hysterectomy. Nothing lazy here.
Saying a c-section is lazy is like telling someone they are lazy for having their appendix taken out. A c-section is major surgery and its hell on your body. You have to be a bad ass to have one. Not only will you be recovering from major surgery but you're also taking care of a tiny human. C-sections are not the easy way out. If anything, a c-section is the hard way to give birth(not to say that vaginal birth is easy just that its more natural for your body compared to a c-section).
Keeping all this in mind, what about a c-section seems lazy to you, Kate? I don't see anything lazy about a c-section. Because of my c-section I now have a scar that will be with me forever, I run the risk of my scar tissue going crazy just like my Mum's, the rest of my children will probably have to be born via c-section and goddamn it, none of that makes me lazy. If anything it just proves that I'm a tough bitch. My c-section says that I love my child so much that I'm willing to have my body cut open just to bring him into the world.
Kate Hudson, if you really think your c-section was lazy then your c-section must have been something out of a fucking c-section fairy tale. Maybe you should look into what really happens during a c-section so that you can prevent yourself from looking so out of touch with the rest of us.
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