NOTE: If you'd like to read the the full story on how I came up with the spell/ritual then you can find that at the end. If you are only interested in the spell itself then please read on.
What you'll need:
A working shower
Body Wash
Facial Cleanser
Step 1: Adjust the water to whatever temperature feels comfortable. I used warm close to hot water.
Step 2: Do the best you can to ground yourself. If you are doing this spell/ritual due to having some type of illness then this can be easier said than done but do the best you can.
Step 3: Start with washing your hair(if you are bald or have very short hair you can also wash your scalp or skip to the next step). As you work the bubble through you're hair try to see in your mind the bubble changing colors. Focus on the soap bubbles cleaning and pulling away any bad energy, sickness, or negatives thoughts you might be dealing with. Think about the pure, clean bubble turning color due to the cleansing what ever is affecting you. Use what ever color pops into your head first(for me it was a toxic black). If you use conditioner a leave in hair treatment you can apply it and repeat this in the same way.
Step 4: Take your hand and place it over the area of your body that you want to cleanse(if you are wanting a mental cleanse you could put your on your forehead). Think of the negativity as an unwanted invader. This is your body and what this not have permission to be here. If you have a chronic condition then focus on whatever symptom you are feeling that you want to leave. Trace your hand from the affected area to your mouth. If you chose you can say out loud "This is my body, you are not welcomed here" after which spit into the water to expel the negativity that you are trying to cleanse. Do this as many times as feel is needed.
Step 5: Wash yourself with soap and do the same as you did with the shampoo. Thinking about the soap washing away the last of the negativity that you want to remove. Do the same with your face and you're all done!
Its a footnote! Here is my cat Foot, also TwinkeeFor my final note please make sure that you never put spell work over seeing a professional. While I fully believe my ritual helped, it would not have worked as well if I hadn't gone to a doctor and gotten the medicine my body needed.
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